November 2-3, 2024

Sierra County New Mexico

Julia Masaoka

by aoscstudiotour_zypr2q

Julia Masaoka Art Studio

913 Locust St

Truth or Consequences

New Mexico

Julia Masaoka

I have been doing art for over forty years. I originally worked as an abstract landscape painter before transitioning to creating mixed media shrines and assemblages. I’m fortunate to have had residencies at the Vermont art Center and the Wurlitzer Foundation in Taos. I primarily work with metal, hardware and iconic images, using objects from scrapyards, thrift stores, and the desert - “Trashformation”- beauty from trash! Themes range from the sacred to the humorous, often with a sense of mystery. I am especially inspired by the art of Mexico and Outsider artists. I work intuitively and learn by experimenting, informed by the process of creating each piece.

Masaoka has exhibited in Carmel, CA, Vermont, Asheville, NC and Santa Fe, NM.

She is represented by Rio Bravo Fine Art Gallery, Truth or Consequences, NM.